

Vital transforms ER care with predictive and personalized solutions

Enhances ER care by predicting wait times, simplifying discharge, and providing personalized patient guidance through advanced EHR data

62%patient use
50%decrease in LWOBS pre-triage
12.minLOS reduction

Vital: Your Go-To Solution in Emergency Care

Leveraging real-time EHR data, Vital delivers personalized guidance to millions of patients during emergency visits. Our AI predicts wait times, clarifies test results, provides tailored education, and simplifies discharge instructions into a user-friendly checklist. This all happens with minimal staff involvement and requires almost no training, making Vital the "easy button" for enhancing patient experiences.

As a result, Vital has been shown to reduce LWOBS/AMA rates by 30-50%, boost Net Promoter Scores by 10-15%, improve HCAHPS scores related to communication and wait times, decrease ED bounce-backs, lower 30-day readmissions, and increase patient retention during follow-up visits.

Full product details

Vital ERAdvisor visit step on mobile phone app

Your EHR can't match our results

Our consumer-grade user-experience is unmatched. No download, no username & password: the patient need only click a special secure text-message link. That's why 62% of patients use Vital. 75% in pediatric hospitals.

By contrast, your EHR may tell you they can do everything, but their utilization is abysmally low (10-20%). Turn on ERAdvisor and solve your ED patient experience issues once and for all.

Utilization during visit62%Customers report ~10%
Patient scores on wait times+20-30%No published results
Likely to recommend+11%No published results
LOS improvement41 min avg.No published results
LWOBS improvement32% avg. reductionNo published results
ED bounce-back improved23% avg. reductionNo published results
Follow-up retention+25%No published results
Online reputation+41% (2.7 => 3.8 stars)No published results
ROI vs. spend8-20x typical 5x guaranteedNo known ROI
No download required
App download needed
Secure password-less login
Must setup username / pw
For PatientsVitalEHR
Wait times >90% accurate
Step-by-step guide
Share with family
Staff must authorize
Lab results
Notes without medical jargon
Discharge checklist
Video education
Nurse manual order
Request service items
For ProvidersVitalEHR
Real-time surveys
Auto-route service requests
SSO login

Key Results

Graphs showing reduction in lwbs with Vital
Graphs showing overall adoption with Vital
Graphs showing reduction in length of stay with Vital
Graphs showing reduction in bounce back with Vital
Graphs showing patient ratings increase with Vital


ERAdvisor sits on top of any major EHR using a FHIR (preferred) or HL7 connection.

We'll need:

  • Visit (ADT) feed
  • Orders & Results, including radiology notes
  • Notes: Triage, Physician, Discharge
  • (optional) Flowsheet for Vital signs (improves AI accuracy)
View full specs
Want to learn more?

Lead with patient experience

Book a 30-minute personalized demo to explore how Vital can help improve patient experience, lead to better outcomes, and pay for itself inside of a matter of weeks.

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