
August 4th, 2022

Introducing CareAdvisor: The Next Generation in Digital Health

David Wright
Written byDavid WrightChief Operating Officer

We cannot change the healthcare experience until we change how we deliver it. We must shift from caring for patients to empowering patients as partners in care. 

We all know that is easier said than done. Digital health technology solutions are meant to engage and empower patients. We know that patients who are effectively engaged in their care and empowered to take an active role in their health journey have a more satisfying experience and have better-quality outcomes. Without a doubt, digital health solutions can, and will, facilitate that. However, they must be used in an active and productive way to deliver the intended results.

Digital Health – A Worthy Investment?

Billions of dollars have been invested in creating and implementing digital health solutions that promise to transform the care experience – particularly over the past decade. The return on that investment has been varied. What’s the secret to realizing value out of your investment? The formula is simple and familiar… one that the digital world outside of health care learned some time ago:

To attract, retain, and optimize consumer engagement, technology must provide dynamic and individualized interactions and experiences.

It should be no different for digital health solutions.

A Shift in Digital Health Invention

Vital creates intelligent digital health solutions that drive a highly individualized and dynamic care experience. They are proven to foster high levels of patient and staff utilization resulting in a strong value on investment. Relevant data from the EHR, clinician assessments, and patient identified needs and preferences are merged into algorithms and predictive models to provide a digital health experience that is highly personalized and as a result, highly effective at empowering patients to take an active role in their health journey. 

CareAdvisor, Vital’s inpatient digital health solution, was designed and built to enhance the hospital experience for patients, with tools, such as:

  • Our one-of-a-kind Health Progress Meter, which clearly shows patients and their families progress towards discharge and provides algorithmically recommended goals and activities that may decrease their length of stay. By blending test results, clinician assessments, patient generated goals, and patient responses – CareAdvisor keeps the patient and family informed about their care journey and helps them understand what needs to happen before they can go home. The Health Progress Meter is also an important resource used during patient care rounds. Clinical teams can better communicate with patients about their progress and engage them as active participants in care planning by reviewing data and information provided in the patient's specific dashboard.

  • An hour by hour patient schedule, with built in tools that empower the patient to take action in, and make choices about, their care plan and health journey. These details can be securely shared through the family sharing feature, which serves to keep families informed even when they can’t be with their loved one.

  • Experience management tools that keep hospital staff and patients connected about the experience, needs, interests and overall satisfaction of patients. This allows for an informed, rapid service intervention when needed. Instead of pressing their call button for every minor request, patients can order food or ask for their bathroom to be cleaned with a push of a button on their phone. CareAdvisor’s service request feature encourages patients to communicate their needs real-time with staff. Requests are routed to the right team, without nurse involvement, reducing mental load on staff. Additionally, Vital will also notify and recognize staff in real-time when a patient indicates great care and service.

  • Patient education about conditions, test results, and follow-up needed when discharged from the hospital.

  • Patients have access to their test results once they are available and can see when labs and orders are pending. CareAdvisor provides patient-friendly explanations of these lab and imaging tests and their results.

Technology-Led Digital Experience for Patients and Staff 

CareAdvisor provides a comprehensive digital care experience where patients feel informed, empowered to take action, set goals for themselves, control their environment, and communicate with their care team. The patient and family are at the center of the care circle, surrounded by unique tools, data, information, and resources that make the experience individualized and highly relevant. 

For staff, CareAdvisor uses artificial intelligence and natural language processing to provide clinical decision support tools. These tools provide valuable insights and information to inform the changes to the patient’s care plan, automate processes and tasks, and enable staff to function at the top of their license. Vital's use of machine learning can provide early alerts regarding potential patient safety concerns with a highly-accurate prediction on the patient’s risk of Sepsis or Hospital Acquired Infections. 

The Next Generation of Digital Health

Vital is a pioneer in the use of machine learning, specifically designed to drive a better patient experience and elevate the staff experience. The high level of personalization combined with a beautiful user experience makes this digital health solution highly valuable to patients, staff and health systems and centered around optimizing the patient experience. 

Join us in changing the healthcare experience with the next generation of inpatient digital health!

For more information about CareAdvisor, check out our eBook, watch this quick demo, or schedule a meeting!